Getting Started

Containers are everywhere nowadays. What became known initially as Docker has now been recognized generally as container technologies, standardized as OCI containers. It is important for developers and DevOps engineers to know containers, because it is the defacto way for developing and distributing applications in the cloud.

What Are Containers?

Containers are virtualization technologies that allow you to package your application and its runtime and then distribute it on any system that supports OCI container runtime. You might see them similar to classical virtual machines, but they are different in that containers are much more lightweight because they share the kernel of the host operating system on which they will be executed.


First, there was Docker CLI (simply known as docker) which people used and still use to create and run containers in their Linux terminal. Docker Desktop was the first desktop application that brought containers joy to our computers on different OSes with a graphical interface, but now there are a couple of free and open source alternatives. Some of these are Podman Desktop, Podman Desktop Companion, etc.

Bind Mounts and Port Forwarding

Install Tools

Manage Containers

Podman CLI

Port Forwarding

Bind Mounts

Podman Desktop

Port Forwarding

Bind Mounts